Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A funny thing happens when you are either trying to conceive or, like myself, trying to adopt. You start to see babies EVERYWHERE. It may seem like I'm diminishing things, but I think it's somewhat akin to the moment you decide to buy a blue.... (insert make and model of car here). You make that decision and it's like wherever you go, every freeway, driveway or parking lot is full of that darn car. Dealerships are everywhere and that one desire seems to be front and center being showcased everywhere you go.  
Sometimes it's hard to see these babies, mothers, children, children's stores, and pregnant women everywhere you go. It creates a sense of need that seems to be bred into women. A deep longing that is almost indescribable.

Rather than succumb to the various bouts of self-pity, tantrums and otherwise general pouting I could lend myself to, I'd rather make a decision. I'm going to make it my goal to learn from the abundance of mommy knowledge I have around me. I want to take this opportunity to see the things that I have a bright new focus on and learn new and exciting things. Who knows? Maybe it will come in handy some day.....

Lessons for today:

#1 Parenting is best done proactively. The more you can tire your children out with play, imagination and exploration, the less difficult down times are. Play them into the ground and you'll rarely have trouble with bedtimes. 

#2 Enjoy the little moments. Children grow so quickly and it is so easy to miss the little moments. Sometimes the moments that make you frustrated and angry will eventually be the moments you laugh and share for generations. Take the time to remember and enjoy them. There will never be a time when you say a moment wasn't worth remembering.

#3 Children are little people with astoundingly good memories and perception. Be careful of what you present in their lives. Someday you may see evidence of that presentation in a way you never expected. Be mindful of the way the decisions you make affect others and remember that, even though these little people may not seem to take everything in, they really see the whole world with a clarity that many of us lose over time. They are extremely vulnerable to the influences around them.

What lessons do you learn from the people and things around you?