Monday, April 18, 2011

Drink It In

I have a new goal. Inspired by a few of my friends who are amazingly wonderful mommies, wives, friends, and, most importantly, fantastic "do-it-allers" I am trying to take notice and enjoy more of the little things in life.
I know I am a fairly busy woman, but the fact is that I take way too many moments for granted. I don't pause enough to take in the moments that are so important and deserving of my attention. So I recently made it my goal to pause, take notice of the world around me and drink it all in.

So today on my way home from work I forced myself to look around a bit more. I was definitely rewarded for my attention. I live in the mountains and today I was blessed with one of my favorite sights up here. I just normally tend to pass it by realizing that I live up here, and I know I'll have the chance to see it again.
Today I took the time to stop. I've been carrying my camera around a lot more just so I can catch these little moments as I see them.

This is what I saw....

As people "down the hill" as we call it, were more than likely having a gloomy, cloud-covered day, I got to see the other side.  

I love this sight. It always looks as if you could leap right off the mountain and land on this pillow of clouds.

I hope you enjoyed this sight as much as I did. It certainly made my day.

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