Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring is Here!

I can tell you that living in this small mountain town for four years has definitely been an adventure. I'm much more of a city mouse so living in a very small community like this is often a learning experience. One of the things I have had to learn a lot about the last four years is living where it snows.

"Adventures" like:
How to drive with snow blowing so fast at your windshield it looks like your on the Starship Enterprise in warp speed.

How to drive with your door open and your head hanging out so you can look at the road lines in the heavy fog 6,000 above sea level on the edge of a cliff. 

Scraping the ice off your windshield with nothing but a spatula, because your ice scraper (yes, they make actual contraptions for this) broke last winter and you really thought snow wasn't going to hit this early in the season.

Finding out you really can live on one packet of top ramen, two eggs, some butter, a single pickle and one butt end of bread for three days when you are literally snowed in. (translation: snow is COVERING your door, there's no physical way out)

Finding out you can get so desperate to eat anything other than aforementioned meal that you really can consider jumping off your second story balcony to walk into town.
(apparently this photo isn't dramatic enough to google when set in the middle of a forest)

Despite what I claimed in the early years of my courtship with my wonderful husband, I have realized I truly can get tired of being trapped in a snowstorm with him for months on end. (I assume the same would apply to my claims in regards to isolated tropical islands)

To say the least Winter is a struggle for me. Ours isn't even that extreme, but really, it gets old quickly. 
I am more than ready,
and any other version of the feeling that you can come up with, that Spring is finally here! I can't tell you how much more these long winters just make me appreciate the other seasons so much more than I ever used to. 
So here are some photos I've taken this week of Spring in action. I'm just so happy that I had to share.

This is the first tree to bloom right outside my office. It made me so happy the other day when I saw it!

We have Daffodils all over the mountain that bloom like wildflowers.

This one was right outside my office too.

This is the view from my office window. I love it when it's sunny and warm and I can feel the breeze off the lake.

I love these flowers. My mom always grew them in her yard so they remind me of home whenever I see them.

This is in my neigbor's yard. It looks so fragile and dainty.

This is the flower on the vines that grow wild in my front yard. This vine grows like a weed up here, but at least it has pretty flowers!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the sunshine! I know I will!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...I love the top pics and driving with your head out the window sounds incredibly scary! The spring pics are lovely and the daffodils would brighten anyone's day! Thanks for sharing :)
